Rescued poultry at Hillside Animal Sanctuary

As you may already know we support the fabulous charity Hillside Animal Sanctuary. In fact we did a blog on the Sanctuary and one of their stars Candy Floss the Highland cow last year. 

This summer, life continues to be very hectic at the Sanctuary with new animals requiring care and attention, arriving at the centre on a daily basis.

Most residents at Hillside Animal Sanctuary  have been rescued from the farming industry including many chicken, turkeys, ducks and geese.

With it being our Poultry focus this month we just couldn't resist posting these great pics of rescued poultry now living happily at Hillside Animal Sanctuary :-)

ducsk Last in's a big Chicken lol!

poult Cor, look at my tail coming up a treat so it is!

hens Come on gals, the keeper's coming with those scrummy table scraps!


We don't all have the space, money or time comitment to look after poultry - so why not consider adopting a chicken like Henrietta, an ex-battery chicken? Or Doris the Duck. You'd be helping feed and tend other fowl like Henrietta and Doris.


doris__54891.1433240395.195.1951 Click on me to adopt me please!

henrieta Click on me to adopt me please!

Of course sponsoring animals like this makes a great gift for kids and adults alike.

What's more encouraging kids to sponsor these animals will help and engender care and respect for animals into adulthood.

All animals can be sponsored by clicking here  - go on you know you want to :-)


And many thanks in advance for any help you can give sponsoring these animals.