50m Battery powered professional poultry netting kit

Thank you a million times – you’ve set free a frizzle chicken, we love the fencing and we’re really impressed with you guys.

Our story was an odd one that started on Saturday. We’ve had chickens for many years happily housed behind an electric fence that I’m ashamed to say we never really checked apart from juicing up the battery.

At the weekend a friend asked whether we could have her much loved and favourite chicken as she was downsizing and couldn’t take her chickens. We said “Yes of course and we promise we will look after her seriously”. The new chicken seemed happy with the others, eating and going to bed so we thought all was well.

Here’s the however…….

On Sunday a neighbour 2 fields away rang to see if we owned a chicken that had arrived in their garden. Sure enough this plucky little chicken had escaped and taken off across 10 acres of field! Looking closely at the fence there were (to my horror) holes all over it (rats? squirrels?) not sure how or what had eaten the fence but the damage was significant and I felt really guilty. Luckily, we caught her and had to put her in solitary confinement where we knew she would be safe (piccie 1).
We then immediately went on-line and ordered a new electric fence.

She is now free to roam with the others and the rest of our flock are undoubtedly safer (piccie 2&3)!

You are great individuals who are a credit to your company and your products and service are impeccable.

Thank you,
Judy & Rupert