Keeping Animals In - Horses and Ponies

Welcome to our range of electric fencing products and kits for horse lovers. Our horse electric fencing is designed specifically for equestrian users. Our range combines quality, strength and safety with value for money.

Within our equestrian range you can select from a wide range of products; ranging from our value based tape/rope and posts (see Electric Fencing Essentials) through to professional level products.

Electric fencing systems can be powered by mains, battery or battery/solar powered energisers. The range combines a wide selection of energisers, horse fencing posts, paddock tape, paddock polyrope and insulators and tensioners.

Temporary Electric Fencing

Electric fencing is a very economical and effective method for containing horses and ponies. It can be set up as a temporary containment fence, or in combination with wooden strainer posts at corners and ends, will act as a low cost semi-permanent fence.

A temporary electric fence can be used for strip grazing, or for keeping horses away from dangerous areas (and each other !). Being very light it can be carried around on ‘treks’ and used as an ‘instant corral’.

If you are just starting out (or want to extend an existing paddock) then why not try our comprehensive Equestrian Electric Fence Kits which are very reasonably priced and include everything that you will need just switch on and go!

Permanent Electric Fencing

Permanent electric fencing i.e. post and ‘electric’ rail costs between 25-30% of the cost of a normal Post and Rail fence and it can be erected in less than a quarter of the time. It looks good, cannot be chewed or used as an itching post. Once erected, temporary electric fencing may be linked on to it anywhere to create temporary paddocks.

Post and Rail that is already in place often needs a line of electric fencing around the top to keep horses and ponies from rubbing and chewing – a post and rail protection kit with stand off insulators will do the job!

Electric fencing for horsesElectric fencing for horsesElectric fencing for horsesElectric fencing for horsesElectric fencing for horsesElectric fencing for horsesHorses metal gateElectric fencing for horsesElectric fencing for horses

Kits And More Information

We have created a series of electric fence kits for horses. These kits incorporate all the components required to set up your system plus comprehensive installation and operation instructions. We have strip grazing kits and post and rail protection kits already made up and available in our on line shop.

If you need help or have any questions please call us on 01620 860058, email, or download our free Paddock Planning Guide which maps out a standard paddock layout and which electric fencing products you need to create your own paddock.

This picture and info below gives a rough idea of what can be done with electric fencing: